Blue Sky Replacement
A new bright, blue sky replacement with fluffy, white clouds can evoke positive feelings about your real estate images. We can add those elements to your photo after-the-fact in post production. This visually improves the quality of an exterior architectural photo and elevates it to another level. We would be happy to quote a price for this service. This goes beyond what most real estate photographers can do. Prices are quoted on an individual job basis.
(To see the difference grab the slider handle with your mouse and move it back and forth.)
A new sky can change the whole feeling of a real estate exterior image.
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Sky Replacement
Blue Sky Replacement
A new bright, blue sky replacement with fluffy, white clouds can evoke positive feelings about your real estate images. We can add those elements to your photo after-the-fact in post production. This visually improves the quality of an exterior architectural photo and elevates it to another level. We would be happy to quote a price for this service. This goes beyond what most real estate photographers can do. Prices are quoted on an individual job basis.
(To see the difference grab the slider handle with your mouse and move it back and forth.)