Bad photography can equal no sale for a high-end home. Almost every day I see million dollar plus homes listed on the MLS or realtors websites with dreadful images. I can’t understand how these agents expect to sell expensive properties when the images don’t begin to show the beauty of the home. It has been proven time and time again that most everyone these days starts their home search online and that they spend and average of 3 seconds on a listing if they don’t see something that interests them. So why would an agent risk loosing a potential client for any reason?
An agent is willing to spend money placing the home on the MLS and in various newspaper ads but stops short when it comes to spending money on staging and quality photography. Why? This is your first line of defense to get your potential customer to linger on your listing and maybe create a new contact and potential buyer. I realize an agent may hesitate to spend money they don’t feel they need to spend, but the Internet has radically change they way everyone does business and real estate offices and agents need to change their way of thinking, too. Realtors can no longer be content with bad photography for their listings at the risk of loosing sales.
There are some offices and agents who see the potential that professional real estate photography can offer and have started to change. This change has mainly occurred on the West coast but has started to filter through the rest of the country. I will research some of these offices and put my results in a later post.